Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Theory Of Social Psychology - 1654 Words

Social psychology is a subfield of psychology that studies how people’s feelings, behaviors, and thoughts vary depending on their social environment (Social Psychology Careers, n.d.). Plato first attributed changes in a person’s behavior to their social environment in his idea of â€Å"crowd mind† but social psychology began as an independent subfield after World War II (Cherry, n.d.). The genocide conducted under Hitler’s Nazi regime prompted psychologists to investigate how social influences effected behaviors such as conformity and obedience (Cherry, n.d.). Social Psychologists Solomon E. Asch and Stanley Schechter conducted research and created theories that are the foundation of many social psychology studies that are being conducted today. Jon Freedman, a social psychologist and professor working at New York University in New York City, recently conducted an experiment on how the perception of a person’s race depends on the environment, in whi ch the person is placed (Freeman, Ma, Young, Han, Ambady, 2013, p. 1). If I had the ability to perform an experiment I would be curious to learn if the amount of racial diversity where a persons lives directly effects how quickly they can interpret race. Gordon Allport, who is described as one of the founding figures of modern social psychology created the definition of social psychology that we use today (Jones, 1998, p. 3). He defined social psychology as a subfield that uses the scientific methods â€Å"to understand and explain howShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Social Psychology996 Words   |  4 Pages In 1971 Dr. Philip Zimbardo, conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment at Stanford University in the basement. 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