Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Research Report Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Report Proposal - Essay Example It will enquire into if there will be some impact on the efficiency and life style of the female faculty staff if they are provided with the massage facility in order to reduce the level of stress in imparting their too heavy pedagogical duties. 3. In what ways does participation in the holistic health alternative practice of therapeutic massage treatments improve the quality of life of female faculty working in the Teacher Education program at this (Name) University The (Name) University female faculty across schools and departments will benefit from knowing if perceived stress is reduced and quality of life improved as a result of participating in a perceived Quality of Life and Stress survey and three massage therapy treatments designed to relax and revitalize the mind, body, and spirit. The information will be used to increase awareness of the stress female faculty encounter in the Teacher Education program. The findings may result in the development of holistic health programs that improve higher education environments. The information will be shared and published with the Massage Therapy Foundation of the American Massage Therapy Association. The population for this study will consist of thirty female faculties working in the Teacher Education program at a (Name) University.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Literary analysis on Seize The Day by Saul Bellow to describe, Essay

Literary analysis on Seize The Day by Saul Bellow to describe, analyze, and interpret - Essay Example Without evaluating the self, one’s own abilities, individual races after secular achievements, thinking that there is no world beyond the external world, the world as interpreted by the power of one’s intellect. Many are not willing to accept that the inner world exists within every human being. God, call Him the Omniscient Power, All-pervading Reality, Light-Consciousness or any other name that various religions hail him, can not be comprehended by one’s intellect. Howsoever great may be one’s intelligence, one can not understand him through the mind-apparatus. The mystery of Nature is beyond description and intellectual arguments. The final frontier of logic and reasoning is mind. The primary duty of the mind is to confuse the human being. The scale of materialistic civilization has two measuring points-success or failure. It eulogizes the successful and condemns the failure! But it ignores the process of living by an individual. How one has faced life i n is trails, tribulations duty and beauty. The protagonist of the novel, introduced to the readers at the age of mid-forties, has the wrong start and finds it difficult to cope up with the challenges of life. He is unable to join the mainstream of society and finds himself a loner. †¦then some thing happens on a particular day, about which his mind has forewarned him! How Tommy Wilhelm encountered the predicament and made efforts to meet the cumulative pressure that has been building up within his inner self? â€Å"As a young man he has rejected his father’s profession, medicine, tried for a career in Hollywood, been tricked by a phony talent scout, ended up in sales and lost his sales district due to nepotism.† (Cronin, 2003†¦.)A college dropout, married and divorced, with two children, his finances are in a mess. He somehow wishes to recover the lost ground and