Saturday, December 28, 2019

Religion, Overpopulation And The Environment - 844 Words

In the Baraka there are powerful Images, these images have an impact on the audience as they are watching the film. In the film Baraka there are symbolic messages that many people might not see or catch within the film. There are quite a few topics in the film, but the top three that I could see are religion, overpopulation and the environment. The religion part of the film is about people around the world that pray and worship gods, they have faith in a higher power which gives them purpose and belief that there is a reason for what happens as they live on earth. Overpopulation is a huge part of the environment but, it’s a whole separate topic on it’s own because it has become a huge hazard in the world today. The environment is a big part of everyone’s future and well being with an impact that can affect generations to come.. For religion in my opinion, everyone prays differently, some paint their bodies with body paint/ground up plants and pigments to use for sacred meetings and ceremonies and others gather in a church to pray and read about their religion. Religion in most cases gives people a higher purpose, helps them to believe there is a plan â€Å"a divine intervention† of sorts. It guides them in their life and how they lead it. In a sense keeps people happy. Although it can guide them in some case towards some acts of violence if interpreted in certain ways. Religion can be made from just a group of people to a whole continent, but mostly it is all around the worldShow MoreRelatedOverpopulation : The Better Or For The Worst?1547 Words   |  7 PagesOverpopulation: for the better or for the worst? There are currently seven million people inhabiting earth. By 2050, it is predicted that population will reach up to 10.63 billion and by 2300 it is predicted to be 36.44 billion. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Let the Right One in Analysis Essay - 1227 Words

BONDING THROUGH EXILE: An Analysis of Mise-en-Scà ¨ne in Let the Right One In The theme of loneliness and isolation has been predominant in cinema since its inception, but Tomas Alfredson explores the idea in a unique way in his 2008 Swedish romantic horror film, Let the Right One In. Set in the snowy winter of Stockholm, the film depicts the similarly cold and depressing life of Oskar, a young target of bullying. This frozen, barren setting contributes to the complete isolation that the viewer feels with the characters. Through strategic shot composition and specific color and mood choices, Alfredson shows how both Oskar and Eli are cut off from the world in different ways, and then how their common bloodlust brings them together.†¦show more content†¦The camera slowly pans around the playground, showing the bland walls of the apartment complex surrounding it to amplify their sense of overwhelming loneliness. Oskar, wanting to find a companion in Eli, provides her with his rubik’s cube to solve. The rubik’s cube can also be seen a s Eli providing an answer to Oskar’s problems. Both his life and his rubik’s cube are puzzles that need solving, and Eli literally drops in to solve everything for him. This early scene sets the tone for the rest of the movie and establishes both the characters as lonely outcasts that need to be saved. As the relationship between Oskar and Eli continues to blossom, Oskar finds out that Eli lives off blood to survive. After this realization, there is a scene where Eli arrives at Oskar’s house. Oskar attempts to let her in by motioning and gesturing but she refuses to cross the threshold. She finally enters without his permission, causing her to bleed from every opening on her face, turning her into a grotesque image of her true vampiric form. This causes Oskar to give her permission to enter. This scene symbolizes the finality of the relationship between Oskar and Eli. Eli is a violent murderer, and Oskar has violent ambitions, and this is the moment where Eli attempts to turn those ambitions into reality. The way the shots of Oskar and Eli are composed suggest aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Racial Hatred in Notes of a Native Son1630 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†: Baldwin’s Essay on the Disease of Racial Hatred Racism is an ugly word that churns up strong emotions whenever it is mentioned. Shocking images of lynchings, church bombings and race riots creep into the mind, and cause an almost physical reaction of repulsion and disgust. History books and old television clips do a good job of telling the story of racial hatred in America, but not what it actually felt like to be an African American during those times. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Competition in Golf Equipment Industry in 2009 free essay sample

In 2009, the world had seen an economic downturn all over the year. In January, Danish Parliament agreed to a financial package worth 17. 6 billion USD. In response, markets panicked. At the same time, four US banks had lost half of their values since three weeks ago. Down Jones Industrial Average Index had dropped more than 50% from its October 2007 peak. On March, Bank of England provides 150 billion pounds of quantitative easing, increasing risk of inflation. On June, World Bank projected that global production for 2009would fall by 2. 9%, the worst since the World War II1. Otherwise stated, the U. S. and Japan market is analyzed as they –in 2014 make up 70% of the global golf retail market2. The financial crisis in 2009 resulted in the decrease of power of purchase in the US, as depicted in the below graphic, proxied by its consumer price index. Figure Historical U. S. and Japan CPI showing decreases in year 2009. We will write a custom essay sample on Competition in Golf Equipment Industry in 2009 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Source: rateinflation. com In a survey3, more than 50% of respondent quit playing golf because they think it is too expensive. Now the logics are, global economy downturn caused many previously-active-golf-players quit the game. Consequently, consumer purchases of golf supply/equipment declined by 16% compared to 20084. The drop in sales, forced major golf equipment manufacturer review their business strategy. From changing business model, improve the golf equipment technology and features, looking for niche market, and so on. Figure Consumer spending on golf equipment In the next section, strategic analysis is conducted. It comprises discussion on the manufacturer business model, competitive advantage, vision-mission statement, and how they changed course of business strategy. The next section will discuss external environment of golf equipment business and analyze its dominant economy characteristic, Porter’s competitive forces, rivals, and strategic map. Last section would brief conclusion on the golf equipment competition in 2009. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS WHAT IS EMERGING BUSINESS MODEL BEFORE AND AFTER 2009? WHAT IS THEIR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE? VISION-MISSION COMPARED COMPANY VISION MISSION REMARKS Callaway Golf One good shot is not enough, so let’s play golf To be a world class organization that design, makes, and delivers demonstrably superior and pleasing different golf products that incorporate breakthrough technologies, backs those products with noticeably superior customer service, and generates a return on the shareholders in excess of the cost of capital. We share every golfer passion for the game, and commit our talents and our technology to increasing the satisfaction and enjoyment all golfers derive from pursuing that passion ? Acushnet To serve the needs of the serious and recreational golfer with value added products and services that have a competitive advantage worldwide ? TaylorMade-Adidas To have the leading performance golf brands in the world ? Nike To bring inspiration and innovation to everybody in the world Too broad. Could apply to many companies in many industry HOW THE COMPANY STRATEGY CHANGED DURING 2009 CRISIS? IS THERE ANY GCG APPLIED IN THE COMPANY? External Environment 1. What are the industry’s dominant economic characteristic Apa? 2. What kind of competitive forces are industry members facing, how strong? Masukkan Porter’s Five Forces disini. 3. What market position do industry rivals occupy, and what is their next move? Figure Comparative Market Position. Bubble size represents number of product sale5 Analisisnya apa? 4. What are the key factors for future competitive success? Analisisnya apa? 5. What are the company’s external opportunities and threats? Analisisnya apa? CONCLUSION Be comprehensive, and make sure they are in line with the previous analysis so that the recommendations fit together and move logically from one to the next. The recommendations section is very revealing because, as mentioned earlier, your instructor will have a good idea of how much work you put into the case from the quality of your recommendations.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Strategic Management Competitive Implications of the Deployment

Question: Discuss about the case study Strategic Management for Competitive Implications of the Deployment. Answer: Introduction Mark and Spencer (MS) is a famous retailer based on United Kingdom. It has started with a small shop and now one of the leading retailer in the UK. It has nearly 910 stores in the home market and over 1380 stores around the world (Reuters UK 2016). The company delivers its own brand clothing; food; home products in the stores of UK and internationally as well. It has also online shopping facility from its website. As on 2015, it has over 83000 employees over the entire world. Strategic Purpose Mission; Vision and Values of MS: Mission Statement of MSis to make aspirational quality accessible to all. Vision Statement of MS is to be the standards against which all others are measured. Values of MS are Quality; Value; Service; Innovation and Trust. The strategic purpose of the UK retailer Mark Spencer is to provide a high class quality to its customers. They assure that they will provide quality goods that are affordable for all level of people. MS aims to set a benchmark quality of its products that will be followed by others. The company assures to provide high quality that will worth the value and provide top class services. It emphasizes on innovating new products according to the ever changing market pattern and also on building trust(Mark Spencer 2016). Strategic Statements and Functional objective Mark Spencer objective is to become leader in clothing and specialty food. It followsits mission statement in achieving the quality of product. The statements of the company are based on the objectives it has formulated to achieve. To achieve its objectives of retaining customers, MS provides quality services that complements its mission; vision and values. To attain high growth and improve profitability, MS has gained trust of the stakeholders. However, the functioning is at per its strategic statements, the focus on quality indicates that the company might charge a high price for that, instead of low quality and cheaper products. This means that the products of MS might not be affordable for all class of people. The decisions of MS are mostly based on ethics. Customers prefers products that are created under strong morale value. Hence, the objective of the company to capture the market share will be fulfilled. The company is expanding in the international market that increases competency ( 2014). This can be mentioned that, the mission of the MS is to achieve functional objectives in order to achieve its vision of the future, maintain the values of the organization. The performance of this company is quite good and as demonstrated in the following table (Table 1). The companys strategy to strengthen its brand has been implemented properly. This is because, according to Global Reputation Pulse measures, MS has ranked at number one position in 2009 ( 2016). Table 1: Income Statement of M S, 2016 Source: Mark and Spencer 2016 Table 2: Top 10 Companies at Global Reputation Pulse Measure Rank Company Global Pulse Score 1 Marks Spencer 78.23 2 Smith Nephew 77.58 3 Cadbury PLC 77.58 4 William Morrison Supermarkets 77.16 5 Rolls-Royce 77.09 6 Tate Lyle 76.84 7 Sainsbury 76.43 8 Intercontinental Hotels 76.16 9 Thomas Cook 75.99 10 Inmarsat 75.31 Source: 2016 External Analysis Macro-environment Analysis The external environment of MS has significant effect on the strategies of the company. The external factors that influences the environment of the company are political factor (P); economical factor (E); social factor (S); technological factor (T); legal factor (L) and environmental factor (E). Hence, the PESTLE Analysis will help to analyse the macro-environment of Mark and Spencer. Table 3: PESTLE Analysis Factors Impact Political Factor Opening up of East European countries in free trade agreement and European integration offers the companies like MS to expand its business on those regions (Keukeleire and Delreux 2014). The political stability of UK, attracts many investors that is a major factor for a growing business (Hamilton and Webster 2015). The taxation policy also changes the strategy of a retail company. EconomicFactor: The retail sector of United Kingdom is quite prone to recession and change in interest rate also affect this market significantly. During the financial crisis, the country has suffered a lot. Moreover, the standard of living of the people of this country is improving. Hence, the ups and downs in the economic indicator affect the activity of Mark and Spencer. The competitors of this company import products due to free trade regime in the most of the countries and save their expenses, whereas MS faces high cost of production for maintain high quality. Social Factor Changes in the consumers taste; preference; attitudes and lifestyle affects the retail industry. The people of UK no longer put high demand for high quality product, rather they have shifted their demand for more fashionable and trendy clothing (Entwistle 2015). The customers of this nation have also become price sensitive. The people of UK places high value for their money. Technological Factor: The technical changes severely affected the retail companies like MS. The emergence of online marketing and online shopping has become common practices and widened the scope of ecommerce (Gehrt et al. 2012). Moreover, the improved communication system enables the companies to stay connected to the customers. The style and fashion are copied through technology and adopted in other nations. Legal Factor: The legislation of producing renewable natural resources for making apparels or clothes, closely monitors practices of the companies. Moreover, MS has infringed many labour laws in its local operations. This has hindered its development process. Environmental Analysis: The retail business involves packaging and huge waste disposal. However, MS produce their goods in an eco-friendly manner. The growing awareness among people regarding the environment affects the business. If production creates environment hazards, then people will reduce their purchasing from that company. This will lead to fall in sales and profit. Industry Analysis The industry profitability or success not only depends on the quality of products and uses of technology. The structure of the industry and some forces are responsible for industry attractiveness in the long term. There are five forces explained by Porter, which are the major tools to analyse the industry the firm operates in (Dobbs 2014). Porters Five Forces are: threats of new entrants; bargaining power of buyers; threats of substitutes bargaining power of suppliers and competitive rivalry. Threats of New Entrants: Entrance of a new firm increase the level of competition. The cost of setting up a retail industry is quite huge. Moreover, there are already many retail firms in the UK market that are already well established, capturing large market share. New entrants will take number of years to establish a high quality brand like Mark and Spencer. Thus threats of new entrants are low. Threats of Substitute: There are increasing retailers who import goods from foreign market and sell it t cheaper price. Therefore, the substitute force of this industry is quite higher. The MS increases feature of its product to retain the customers from shifting to other company. However, due to price sensitiveness, the customers substitute the MS products with other low price products available in the UK market. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The power of buyers is very high as they are large in number and there are many alternate options to them. If the price of MS is too high, buyers will buy it from other retail stores that are offering cheaper prices. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The bargaining power of the supplier is low as they want to sell their produced goods and services through the large retail companies like MS. There are plenty of suppliers in the market, so MS have alternative options for purchasing raw materials from its suppliers. Competitive Rivalry: Mark Spencer has number of rivals in the clothing sector like John Lewis etc. and high competition in food industry from firms like Tesco and Sainsbury. The competition in the retail industry is very high in United Kingdom. Internal Analysis Strategic Capabilities and Competency The excellent and quality products of MS are the key area of competency. In addition to this, the superior technology enhances the capability of this company. Core competency is vital for MS. It enables the company to deliver high value; consistent quality. The investors and the customers trusts the company and the management quality of the company is also of superior quality. Its diversified product is another added advantage and makes it more competent in the competitive market. Reputation and the loyalty of the customers are important resources to run the business (Yu, Ramanathan and Nath 2014). It is the epitome of honesty in this nations retail industry. The core competency resulted in development of strong brand; excellent quality control and good customer service. Rigid management system once caused MS to become vulnerable to the changes in the market. Therefore, the company created more resources to seek new opportunity. MS allowed autonomy for the store managers; they adopte d different procedure of buying and started to look for overseas suppliers. The internal structure of the organization is flat in nature. This encourages the employees to take part in the decision making process. The relationship between the employees; suppliers; management and customers are getting stronger; which has positioned MS at the markets core. The combination of capabilities and resources, the MS has achieved unique competency. The resource and capability further improved the efficiency of the organization (Wang 2016). The basic resources are those that the competitors also use. The unique resources are those resources that are different from the competitors and it is hard to copy. The unique resources create competitive advantage for the organization (Costa, Cool and Dierickx 2013). The basic resources of MS are its number of store; experienced staff; high quality product and essential suppliers. Unique resource of this company is its brand awareness. Most of the people in UK along with people outside know the company. Business Function of MS The MS operates in the retail industry in UK. The business function of this company incorporates developing a culture of quality awareness in the company. It ensures quality through rigorous examination of products from suppliers. This has helped the company to create its brand value and maintaining it for long years. The functions of the business of this company are also formulated in order to achieve the sustainability. Currently, the Plan A of this company is adopted to achieve goal of ethical and environmental objectives. According to this business plan, the company aims to make its business in UK, Carbon neutral( 2016). The ultimate goal of MS is to become most sustainable retailer. The company has expanded its international business as well. Basis of Competitive Strategy The generic strategies of a company are analysed in order to understand the competitive advantage of the company. The Porters generic strategies are: Cost Leadership; Differentiation and Focus (Tanwar 2013). The Focus strategy is again divided into two categories; Cost Focus and Differentiation Focus. Source: Jenkins and Williamson 2015 The three generic strategies of Porter extended to eight different strategies varying according to the price and value perceived to the consumers (Hill, Jones and Schilling 2014). This is known as Strategic Clock as illustrated in the following diagram. Source: Metzger 2014 MS is operating in a very tough competitive environment. It operates in many segments like, food; cloths; home and beauty products in order to deal with the competitors. MS clothing changes according to the trend to maintain its competitive advantage over the market(Butler 2014). This company faces tough competition from Next; Debenhams; Gap etc. who provide clothing that is more fashionable. Similarly, in food chain Tesco and Sainsbury gives it a tough competition as they are offering frozen and readymade food items. The MS has therefore obtained strategies that help it to compete in the market. MS differentiated themselves from other with their top quality own label food; fresh food and food for special occasion. They do not offer discount offers to the customers rather they prefer to give them additional value for their money and consistently maintained its freshness and quality. The biggest retailers of UK (Tesco; Sainsbury; Morrison and ASDA) constitute huge percentage of market share together. Therefore, MS cannot compete with them in low price strategy. Therefore, their strategy is to focus on the quality of product and make its product unique from what others offer. It offers high quality product for the upper end of the mass market. The company is a premium food retailer and trying to gain market share. Hence, it can be concluded that the company stands on Focused differentiation strategy in Bowmans Clock. Strategic Choice and Strategy Evaluation Ansoff Matrix The strategic choice determines the future of the company. From the above analyses, it can be said that the company will focus on maintaining its quality in order to satisfy their customers. They would prefer to sell their own labelled branded goods. Since, the company has number of rivals in the UK market, it must adopt strategy that will help to capture more market share. Since, the products offered by MS have several alternatives, it will try to differentiate its products and services. Hence, innovation process is crucial to this company and its strategic choice of innovation will be focused on improving quality and offering differentiated or unique products to the consumers. From Ansoffs Matrix, the strategic direction of the company can be identified. Company can gain competitive advantage through four options, such as, market penetration; product development; market development and diversification (Jenkins and Williamson 2015). Source: Jenkins and Williamson 2015 Market Penetration: This entails the developing existing products in order to attract more people in the existing market. Through market penetration, Mark Spencer can increase its market share. The loyalty program; sales promotion or pricing strategy can be used as tools for market penetration. MS started with single company and now it has grown to many numbers in the domestic market. The company focused on improving their clothing fashion and concentrate on British market. Through aggressive promotional campaign and implementing of loyalty card, MS has achieved competitive advantage. Product Development: This entails development of new product in the existing market or development of production process through technological improvement. Mark and Spencer has developed some new products like banking and financial service. Product development requires developing new competency. MS increases its competitive advantage by improving its clothing variety. It has developed its product through establishing a new brand per una. Promoting online services, the company developed its product and get access to more customers, which improves their competitiveness. Market Development: This entails selling of existing product in new market. This includes exploitation of new market segment and having new users (Hood, Clarke and Clarke 2016).MS has opened its largest store outside UK in Dubai. It has also opened stores in Shanghai and much other foreign market. By developing clothing wear specifically for teenage group or children (which is a different market segment), MShas become more competitive. Diversification: This entails the riskiest venture of a business, as it moves to new market with a product. MS through diversification strategy reduces its dependency on the UK market. The company also diversifies its products in food items; home appliance etc. MS can grow in future through penetrating market by developing new product as it will be less risky in the growth path of the company. Suitability; Acceptability; Feasibility of strategy Market Development: While launching existing product into the new market, the strategy exploits the strength of the company. This is because, the product is already in the present market and MS knows how to promote its product in new market. It also fit with the purpose of the firm. Hence, it is suitable. There is certain risk associated with this kind of strategy, as the new market is to be explored by the firm. However, this strategy is acceptable as MS already knows everything about the product, like its demand etc. Moreover, the brand name is already established. Therefore, this strategy is acceptable. This kind of strategy is possible to implement if the company has sufficient resources. It is feasible becauseMS can finance this strategy. Conclusion The strategic statement of Mark Spencer, the famous retailer in the UK market, is similar to that of its functional objectives. It faces growing opportunity due to changing global politics and threats from some legal constraint. Industry analysis indicates that it faces a challenging environment. MS achieved competencies through resources and capabilities of the firm. It has been identified that MS follows focused differentiation strategy to achieve competitive advantage. The company also focuses on its growth that has been analysed with the help of Ansoff Matrix. The Suitability-Acceptability-Feasibility of market development strategy of MS has been verified. Recommendation MS can utilize their strength in terms of their strong brand value. It can make most out of its excellent quality products. Operating more than a century, the company has been consistence in its performance. The company must utilize these strengths in its functioning. However, it can avoid criticism by curbing down its excessive price of the products. The clothing fashion of this company reflects British royalty, but younger generation is fond of trendy fashion. MS must be engaged in the promotional activity to attract its customers. MS must capitalize on the online shopping facility. Entering into the new market segment is another opportunity of the company that must be utilized to improve the comparative advantage of the company. It is recommended to manage the threats of the company by reducing price, as most of the rivals are offering same products at cheaper price. MS must differentiate its product, so that people find it difficult to substitute it. References 2014. Marks Spencer Sets Objective for Boosting International Profit. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Aug. 2016]. Butler, S. 2014. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

In Recent Years Preferential Hiring Has Become An Issue Essays

In recent years preferential hiring has become an issue of great interest. Preferential hiring, which was devised to create harmony between the different races and sexes, has divided the lines even more. Supporters on both sides seem fixed in their positions and often refuse to listen to the other group's platform. In this essay, the recipients of preferential hiring will be either black or female, and the position in question will be a professorship on the university level. The hirings in question are cases that involve several candidates, all roughly equal in their qualifications (including experience, education, people skills, etc.), with the only difference being race and/or sex. What we have here is a case of predetermined preference. The two candidates in question are equal in all ways, except race. The black applicant is selected, not because of skills or qualifications (in that case the white man would have provided the same result), but for his skin color. This seems to be blatant discrimination, but many believe it is justified. Some feel retribution for years of discrimination is reason enough, but that issue will be discussed later. First, lets focus on why this is not a solution to creating an unbiased society. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." He desired a world without discrimination, without prejudice, and without stereotypes. The fundamental lesson years of discrimination should have taught is that to give anyone preference based on skin color, sex, or religious beliefs is, in one word, wrong. As Martin Luther King Jr. stated, judgment based on skin color must not exist. All preferential hiring does is keep judgments based on skin color alive. Race and sex should not be issues in today's society, yet preferential hiring continues to make these factors issues by treating minorities as a group rather than as individuals. More importantly preferential hiring may actually fuel, rather than extinguish, feelings of racial hostility. Applying the concept of preferential hiring to another situation may help elucidate its shortcomings. A party of white men and a party of black men both arrive at a restaurant at the same time and only one table is free. The headwaiter can only seat one party and must make a decision. According to preferential hiring theory it is necessary to seat the black party first, since historically blacks have been discriminated against when seated in restaurants. In another situation, a white man and a black man are both equidistant from the last seat on the bus. Both men are the same age, have no medical problems, and are equal in all ways except skin color. Should the black man get the seat since in the past black men have been discriminated against? We could continue this practice for several centuries before the debt we owe for depriving blacks of a seat on the bus would be paid. Perhaps these examples are invalid. It could be said that jobs are a different issue. They help define social status and provide economic well-being. They might even boost self-confidence, something that discrimination has stolen. Two points must be considered before moving any further. First, blacks may learn better from a black, and women may learn better from a woman. Second, hiring women and blacks will provide role models for others. The first point Thomson quickly concedes as likely to be false. Discussion about the second point however is required, and will, in effect, serve to negate the first point as well. First, lets create a character, Bill. Bill is grossly overweight and unattractive. Studies have shown that many employers discriminate (whether subconsciously or not), against both overweight and unattractive individuals. Unfortunately for Bill, he fits into both categories. His inability to land a job reflective of his abilities, coupled with years of public humiliation through jokes made at his expense, has destroyed his self-esteem. This has caused him to accept as fact the notion that he will never be able to reach his goals. Few "Bill" success stories exist, only further plummeting his self-confidence. This example sounds strikingly similar to a common argument for preferential hiring. I have been discriminated against, which has caused my self esteem to fall, and now I am stuck, with few role models to follow. Bill's success has probably been thwarted by more sources than the today's average black or female, but there is no provision in preferential hiring for him. Just like no one can control their race or skin color, In Recent Years Preferential Hiring Has Become An Issue Essays In recent years preferential hiring has become an issue of great interest. Preferential hiring, which was devised to create harmony between the different races and sexes, has divided the lines even more. Supporters on both sides seem fixed in their positions and often refuse to listen to the other group's platform. In this essay, the recipients of preferential hiring will be either black or female, and the position in question will be a professorship on the university level. The hirings in question are cases that involve several candidates, all roughly equal in their qualifications (including experience, education, people skills, etc.), with the only difference being race and/or sex. What we have here is a case of predetermined preference. The two candidates in question are equal in all ways, except race. The black applicant is selected, not because of skills or qualifications (in that case the white man would have provided the same result), but for his skin color. This seems to be blatant discrimination, but many believe it is justified. Some feel retribution for years of discrimination is reason enough, but that issue will be discussed later. First, lets focus on why this is not a solution to creating an unbiased society. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." He desired a world without discrimination, without prejudice, and without stereotypes. The fundamental lesson years of discrimination should have taught is that to give anyone preference based on skin color, sex, or religious beliefs is, in one word, wrong. As Martin Luther King Jr. stated, judgment based on skin color must not exist. All preferential hiring does is keep judgments based on skin color alive. Race and sex should not be issues in today's society, yet preferential hiring continues to make these factors issues by treating minorities as a group rather than as individuals. More importantly preferential hiring may actually fuel, rather than extinguish, feelings of racial hostility. Applying the concept of preferential hiring to another situation may help elucidate its shortcomings. A party of white men and a party of black men both arrive at a restaurant at the same time and only one table is free. The headwaiter can only seat one party and must make a decision. According to preferential hiring theory it is necessary to seat the black party first, since historically blacks have been discriminated against when seated in restaurants. In another situation, a white man and a black man are both equidistant from the last seat on the bus. Both men are the same age, have no medical problems, and are equal in all ways except skin color. Should the black man get the seat since in the past black men have been discriminated against? We could continue this practice for several centuries before the debt we owe for depriving blacks of a seat on the bus would be paid. Perhaps these examples are invalid. It could be said that jobs are a different issue. They help define social status and provide economic well-being. They might even boost self-confidence, something that discrimination has stolen. Two points must be considered before moving any further. First, blacks may learn better from a black, and women may learn better from a woman. Second, hiring women and blacks will provide role models for others. The first point Thomson quickly concedes as likely to be false. Discussion about the second point however is required, and will, in effect, serve to negate the first point as well. First, lets create a character, Bill. Bill is grossly overweight and unattractive. Studies have shown that many employers discriminate (whether subconsciously or not), against both overweight and unattractive individuals. Unfortunately for Bill, he fits into both categories. His inability to land a job reflective of his abilities, coupled with years of public humiliation through jokes made at his expense, has destroyed his self-esteem. This has caused him to accept as fact the notion that he will never be able to reach his goals. Few "Bill" success stories exist, only further plummeting his self-confidence. This example sounds strikingly similar to a common argument for preferential hiring. I have been discriminated against, which has caused my self esteem to fall, and now I am stuck, with few role models to follow. Bill's success has probably been thwarted by more sources than the today's average black or female, but there is no provision in preferential hiring for him. Just like no one can control their race or skin color,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on How To Build A Fire, Tell Tale Heart Compare And Contrast

Compare and Contrast In this essay I will compare and contrast the protagonist in the two stories â€Å"How to Build a Fire†, and â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†. â€Å"How to Build a Fire†, is about a man on a mission to cross over the cold, desolate countryside of the Yukon. â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† is about a man telling the story of his perfect crime. First I will give some examples of their likenesses such as their overconfident outlook on the events throughout the story, and how, in the end, irony occurred for the both of them. Then I will contrast elements of the story such as the antagonist, and show the different aspects of the two characters. There are many ways in which the protagonists of these two stories are comparable. The first similarity that should be known is that neither of the characters have a name. They are both simply referred to as â€Å"the man†. It might be said that both authors chose not to name the men so that the reader feels less compassion for them. The most noticeable connection between them is their personalities. They both exhibit notions of arrogance throughout the story. In â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, Poe shows the reader immediately that the protagonist is very proud of himself. He is certain that his actions were those of a brilliant being. For no â€Å"madman† could have devised a plan of that intelligence. â€Å"But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded- with what foresight- with what dissimulation I went to work!† These notions coincide with those of the protagonist in â€Å"How to build a Fire†. In this story the author displays the mans’ arrogance when he ignored the advice of the old man back at Sulphur Creek when he began his journey through the wilderness. The old man warned him that in sight of the temperature dropping to under fifty degrees below zero he should not walk the trail alone because it was too dangerous. He did not take the adv... Free Essays on How To Build A Fire, Tell Tale Heart Compare And Contrast Free Essays on How To Build A Fire, Tell Tale Heart Compare And Contrast Compare and Contrast In this essay I will compare and contrast the protagonist in the two stories â€Å"How to Build a Fire†, and â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†. â€Å"How to Build a Fire†, is about a man on a mission to cross over the cold, desolate countryside of the Yukon. â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† is about a man telling the story of his perfect crime. First I will give some examples of their likenesses such as their overconfident outlook on the events throughout the story, and how, in the end, irony occurred for the both of them. Then I will contrast elements of the story such as the antagonist, and show the different aspects of the two characters. There are many ways in which the protagonists of these two stories are comparable. The first similarity that should be known is that neither of the characters have a name. They are both simply referred to as â€Å"the man†. It might be said that both authors chose not to name the men so that the reader feels less compassion for them. The most noticeable connection between them is their personalities. They both exhibit notions of arrogance throughout the story. In â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, Poe shows the reader immediately that the protagonist is very proud of himself. He is certain that his actions were those of a brilliant being. For no â€Å"madman† could have devised a plan of that intelligence. â€Å"But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded- with what foresight- with what dissimulation I went to work!† These notions coincide with those of the protagonist in â€Å"How to build a Fire†. In this story the author displays the mans’ arrogance when he ignored the advice of the old man back at Sulphur Creek when he began his journey through the wilderness. The old man warned him that in sight of the temperature dropping to under fifty degrees below zero he should not walk the trail alone because it was too dangerous. He did not take the adv...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Day at Belton Lake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Day at Belton Lake - Essay Example The most common is sand though mud can also be up the Leon River that drains to Lake Belton and the cowhouise arms. Lake Belton has no aquatic vegetation, but some investigation reveals little presence of some vegetation in the lake. The water of the lake is usually cool in the summer time making the environment cool for swimming and in water relaxation. I had great anticipation that morning to participate in the activities that are in the lake. I hurriedly rush to my drawer containing my swimsuit. I pulled out my favorite blue swimming costume. I rush down the stairs to start off the daddy with daddy’s famous chocolate, grapes and biscuits for the morning. That is an original breakfast that we do have every time before we spend our day in Belton Lake. Lak Belton is a public lake that is open for all public access facilities. Ramping using boats, bank fishing, camping and picnics are all available. This place forms the best are to spend some time with family members and enjoy the weekend (Carpenter et al. pg. 163). The serene environment altogether with the hot summer makes the atmosphere and the lakes water cool for swimming to take place. My parents and I love swimming in Lake Belton and nearly every summer we take a day to send in the cool waters of the lake. Along the lakes beach, there is 300 foot plus the water slide curve that plunges from the start tower down to the splash pool that is four foot. The family picnics are usually located just adjacent to the lakes beach (Hoare and Hoare. pg. 225). Before taking off on our boat, we have to make sure that every equipment is in place, and we are fully prepared for any circumstance. My duty is to ensure that all essentials items including lotion, drinks, snack food, beach towels and sunscreen are all packed. As I do that, my brother and dad are always busy our boat fuel tank is full of gas, life jackets in plenty and intertube that is usually fun but dangerous